2012년 4월 17일 화요일

How can you become a more effective presenter?

There are many things to make oneself a more effective presenter, and as a professor in my university, my job requires me to be a presenter every day. First, it’s important to know the audience. Although I teach beginner’s English conversation, I am dealing with young adults at the university level. I have to relate to them in a way so they can connect to the topic. Another important part is knowing the students’ purpose for listening to the class. Some of the students are learning English to speak more fluently, but the majority is there to earn credit for graduation. When presenting to students, I must be concise, get to the point, and relate to them to keep the students engaged. In this digitizing era, presenters can use a variety of materials, videos, pictures, and other visual aids to make the class more interesting.

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