2012년 4월 26일 목요일

My expectations for my students using multimedia...

Though my students are studying at the university level, their English abilities are quite low. Because of this, I don’t want the focus of the assignment to be on perfect English. That will just discourage them and they might not be as motivated to do well. Instead, I will grade them on their ability to creatively utilize the presentation tools, like Prezi or PowerPoint. They will research a topic and present that topic in a creative and interesting manner to the class. The focus will be on the visual message and how they put the information together and present it; not just the accuracy of English. I will have used these types of multimedia in the class, so it is something that the students will be familiar with seeing. I will show an example of what their projects should be like, so they have some basic guidelines to follow. The rest will be up to them to be as creative and imaginative as possible. I think this is a good exercise for Korean students who are not often pushed to explore ideas in a creative manner.

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