2012년 4월 24일 화요일

Get back to the roots of our education...

Education is knowledge obtained or developed by a learning process. In many ways in the West, it has been hijacked from its original objectives. For example, most American educational institutions were meant to serve as places of training and admonition in the fear of God. America's first public school was established in 1635 by John Cotton, a Puritan minister. Reading, writing, and arithmetic were always of secondary value compared to instruction in the ways of God.
Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, and Princeton are the four oldest learning institutions in the USA. As we know, many US Presidents have graduated from one of these institutions. All four have strayed far from their roots. Harvard University was founded in 1636. The principal donor for its foundation was a clergyman named John Harvard, from whom the university derives its name. It is the oldest university in America and was established for the purpose of training and releasing into society clergymen and scholars with Puritan values. Its motto is Veritas, which means "truth." Seven American presidents have attended there. It is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. William and Mary College was founded in 1693 and is the second oldest university in the US. It was originally founded as an Anglican school. Three US presidents were educated there. Yale University was founded in 1701 by ten congregational ministers and is the third oldest university in the US. Jonathan Edwards, the revivalist, and leader of the Great Awakening, attended Yale; the divinity school houses a Jonathan Edwards Center devoted to the study of his works. Five US presidents attended Yale. Princeton University was founded in 1746 and is the fourth oldest university in America. Its motto is “Under God's Power She Flourishes.” Princeton was established by Presbyterians and was designed to train Presbyterian ministers. Four US presidents came from Princeton. These four universities are responsible for 18 American presidents as well as many other world leaders. Although these universities should be the top places to influence Christianity globally, they have instead become a fortress for liberalism, which is manifested in a philosophy that displaces God and puts man in the center.
As a Christian, I believe all hell broke loose in the American education system because the system has lost its true purpose. I am not saying they should stamp "Jesus" all over a curriculum in public educational systems, but at least find decency in their hearts to go back to values that founding fathers have cherished. Where is our decency and goodness to serve others? What happened to our basic moral foundation? It was these foundations that Americans built the country upon to become a global leader, and it is only with the same foundation that they can continue. They built their nation’s house upon a foundation in the fear of God and she grew into a global leader; and it is only with that same foundation that they can sustain themselves as a world power for the future to come.

댓글 1개:

  1. I think you may be over romanticizing the notion of religion being the center of education. The desire to go back to Puritan times where any woman who voiced her ideas or questioned a man was labeled a witch. The questioning of knowledge is at the crux of why American Universities are the premier institutes of the world. But if you have religion in the center it discourages the questioning process, because debating faith gets you nowhere. There is a reason why religious education centers have either moved away from religion as their core in order to maintain a top status or have slipped down in the publics view of their education prowess.
