2012년 4월 26일 목요일

Incorporating what I have learned into my teaching...

I learned a lot more practical information than theoretical information from this course. Out of all of the multimedia materials we discussed and learned about, I will definitely use Prezi, Screencast, and Zimmertwin for my English conversation classes. Prezi turned out to be easier than I expected to execute. It is also a more interesting tool than Powerpoint and I think my ESL students will enjoy using it. Zimmertwin is another tool that can be used for presentation. The storylines are animated and will be easy to use once you get the hang of it. It is also more interactive than traditional presentation materials so my students should find that interesting. Starting next semester, I will ask students to prepare a presentation using either Prezi or Zimmertwin. They will be given a topic from the textbook and research it either by themselves or in groups. Then they will be required to present it to the class in English. It will be a good mid-term project for my students to incorporate what we have learned during the first part of the semester. I have been giving them written tests, but by using these tools students will feel less pressure to memorize answers and simply perform well on their tests. They can have fun completing these projects as well as learn how to apply the information in class to life situations. I am looking forward to next semester when I can implement these new multimedia tools.

댓글 1개:

  1. I'm glad the course was more practical than theoretical for you. That was my goal. I suggest now that you have had some practice you go throught the wiki and read some of the articles I posted. This should fill in a lot of the theory that I didn't spend much time discussing.
