2012년 4월 22일 일요일

Why on earth does the world praise the Korean educational system?

Whenever President Obama speaks about the US public education system, he always speaks positively about the education system of Korea. Why does he praise an educational system that is fundamentally broken, and only teaches students how to pass the university entrance exam? Students do not learn how to be creators or inventors; they are taught nothing more but to be future working drones in society. He praises this system that puts such massive amounts of stress and pressure on students that result in Korea having one of the highest suicide rates in the world. This is not a system of educating, but of pressurizing until they burst. Dictators, not leaders, want to simply control the population by turning them into obedient workers, not free thinkers. Education is about encouraging and educating students to think creatively, have opinions, and express those opinions to learn from one another. Teachers and leaders should be inspiring students and challenging them to meet the needs of this changing world.

However, instead of fostering an environment of freedom and liberty, we see them slipping away at an alarming rate. Regarding many of the Constitutional rights of America, such as the freedom of speech, the right to assembly, and the right to a trial by jury, the American government is looking more like communist China. Recently, President Obama signed a bill that removes the freedom of peaceful protest. On December 31, 2011, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) was signed into law, authorizing worldwide indefinite military detention of any citizen or non-US citizen suspected of terrorism, whether detained in America or abroad, not limited to a battlefield. Passing these bills is in strict violation of the Constitution, and is against every value of liberty that founded the country. Is America in the process of becoming a communist country or is she already there?

I thought the Founders of America were men of godly character and strong moral value. What happened in these last 200 years? We, as human beings, are thinkers, not mindless drones. I read more and more about how the socialist curriculum (such as but not limited to big government will provide all of our needs; there is no God; traditional family is whatever you want it to be) is being pushed and presented to our children through the public educational system in the USA. Educational changes are happening fast and Americans need to recognize the state indoctrination of their children before it is too late. The problems and challenges America is facing are very interesting because the outcome will impact the world. American, Canadian, and Korean educational systems all feed off of each other. If the context of the US educational system changes, the rest of the world will change as well. If you are reading this, I hope that I have sparked an interest in you that you will do more research to see for yourself the problems and dangers we face in the public school systems, both in America and abroad.

댓글 2개:

  1. I think there is a lot of ignorance in America and Canada when it comes to education in Asia. People know that Asian students spend more time in school and more time studying so they assume that they must be learning more.

    But, like you have said, academic life in Korea works on a system that prepares students for exams, and then more exams. Students are not encouraged to be creative but instead they are pushed for high scores on tests from an early age.

    If people back in America knew the realities of an education such as Korea's, I would hope it would not be viewed as a system to follow.

  2. Europe is also putting Korean educational system on the pedestal. Sadly, it all boils down to statistics: the % of high SAT scores, the number of Ivy League graduates...
    When I talk to my friends in the States and tell them that at 1AM students are just heading home, they look at me in disbelief. That's a sad reality of Korean education- countless hours of memorazition to pass the test.
    If there is one model of education, I'd say: Scandinavian! But, I guess we are in the midst of 'Korean wave' now...
    BTW, I wouldn't say America is a communist country, more like totalitarian...
